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ACC Automotive Carpet Compatible with 1999 to 2006 GMC Extended Cab Pickup Truck, 1500 (Sierra) (801-Black Plush Cut Pile)
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ACC Automotive Carpet Compatible with 1999 to 2006 GMC Extended Cab Pickup Truck, 1500 (Sierra) (801-Black Plush Cut Pile)

Product ID: 184564097
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This automotive carpet will be made in 801-Black Plush Cut Pile. Other colors and materials may be available in the selection above.This carpet is a replacement for 1999 to 2006 GMC Extended Cab Pickup Truck, 1500 (Sierra). This item fits trucks with 3 or 4 doors (suicide doors, not crew cab).Carpet will be made with standard flexibe polyethylene backing. Contact us to upgrade to massbackingUnless specified, the jute padding will be attached in the foot area of the carpetInstallation may require trimming around the edges and the holes may need to be cut.There is a large variety of colors available. Please request free samples if you want to match a specific colorThis item fits the years: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 99, 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06READ FULL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE BEGINNING - Instructions may vary for multi-piece sets1. Remove new product from box. Lay flat and pop contours back into place. Allow a few hours for product to relax back into proper shape. Check material for accuracy 2. Compare new and old carpet 3. Use old carpet as a template for console cuts 4. IMPORTANT: Fold new product in half from front to rear. Place in vehicle lining up molded contour to seat risers or any other identifiable starting point. Once fitted, continue installation 5. Roll product forward make cuts for brackets, shifters vents etc while maintaining proper alignment on seat risers or other starting point 6. Cut in center at firewall to allow product to go underneath dash 7. Continue same procedure for remainder of installation – working your way to outer edges 8. Once product is properly fitted you are now ready to do the final trimmings on outer edges, seat belts and holes etc.Note: If adhesive is desired, only apply a light brush or spray adhesive after correct dry fit has been obtained.

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Anita G.

Good experience, but the tracking updates could be better.

2 months ago

Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

2 days ago

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