Mainstays Clothing Hangers, 2 Pack, Crystal Clear Plastic, Swivel Neck, Pant & Skirt Clips
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Mainstays Clothing Hangers, 2 Pack, Crystal Clear Plastic, Swivel Neck, Pant & Skirt Clips

Product ID: 460447829
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The Mainstays Swivel Crystal Clear Suit Hanger for Any Bottomwear, 2 Pack, is a perfect tool to help keep your clothing secure and wrinkle-free. Utilize them to keep your clothes neat and organized in the closet, laundry room, or dorm. These sturdy clear/black colored crystal hangers are ideal for pants, skirts, trousers, and slacks. Included is a 360-degree swivel hook to easily organize and secure your favorite clothing on any closet rod, towel bar, or standard size door. Eliminate the need of folding your clothing and maximize your storage space. The Mainstays Crystal Hanger features two clips on each side to maintain your clothing secure. The clips withhold a protective plastic grip to make sure there is no damage or dents on any piece of clothing. Additionally, the clips are able to easily adjust to create the perfect fit. Crafted with durable clear/black plastic and a stunning crystal design to add a clean finish to your closet. To clean, simply wipe gently with a damp cloth. . Set of 2 hangers Notches on each end to hold your favorite clothing with straps in place 2 adjustable metal clips to secure your skirts, slacks, pants, jeans and other bottom wear 360-degree swivel hook for easy browsing, accessing, and hanging clothing easy      Great for everyday use in the closet Helps eliminate wrinkles and creases Free drawer space for more efficient organization Wipe gently with a damp cloth to clean Attractive crystal design will make your closet look fabulous

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Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

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