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Oscar Mayer Gluten Free Turkey Bacon with 58% Less Fat & 57% Less Sodium, 12 oz Pack, 21-23 Slices
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Oscar Mayer Gluten Free Turkey Bacon with 58% Less Fat & 57% Less Sodium, 12 oz Pack, 21-23 Slices

Product ID: 460420632
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Everything is better with turkey bacon. Oscar Mayer Turkey Bacon smoked cured turkey, chopped & formed, smoke flavor added has 58% less fat and 57% less sodium than USDA data for cooked pork bacon without sacrificing the flavor you crave. Our turkey bacon that is raised without hormones* minimizes prep time, making it easier to create delicious meals in a hurry. Heat our turkey bacon on the stove, in the oven or microwave to your desired crispness. Taste the natural hardwood smoke flavor that makes Oscar Mayer turkey bacon the perfect addition to breakfast sandwiches and BLTs. Enjoy turkey bacon with eggs, try it as a savory salad topping or add some slices to your next turkey burger. Discover the endless possibilities of turkey bacon. Oscar Mayer Smoked Cured Gluten Free Turkey Bacon is vacuum packed in a resealable 12-ounce package with 21-23 slices. *federal regulations prohibit the use of hormones in turkey One 12 oz package of Oscar Mayer Turkey Bacon, 21-23 Slices Oscar Mayer Turkey Bacon has 58% less fat and 57% less sodium than USDA data for cooked pork bacon Oscar Mayer Turkey Bacon can be cooked on the stove, in the oven or microwave to minimize kitchen prep time Oscar Mayer Turkey Bacon smoked cured turkey, chopped & formed, smoke flavor added is Raised without hormones*, our turkey bacon is naturally hardwood smoked for great taste and quality; *federal regulations prohibit the use of hormones in turkey Our turkey bacon slices are perfect for cooking and adding to recipes Use our gluten free Oscar Mayer Turkey Bacon smoked cured turkey, chopped & formed, smoke flavor added as a deli meat sandwich topping or as a side paired with turkey breakfast sausage Each 12 oz. turkey bacon is vacuum packed in a resealable package to maintain freshness Keep the turkey bacon refrigerated and use within seven days of opening So many ways to keep it Oscar with our wide range of bacons, hot dogs, cold cuts and meat snack plates

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Very impressed with the quality and fast delivery. Will shop here again.

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Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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