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BUTTERICK PATTERNS B5061 Misses' Jacket, Robe, Nightgown, Pants and Hat, Size Y (XSM-SML-MED)
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BUTTERICK PATTERNS B5061 Misses' Jacket, Robe, Nightgown, Pants and Hat, Size Y (XSM-SML-MED)

Product ID: 33240233
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MISSES' JACKET, ROBE, NIGHTGOWN, PANTS AND HAT: A-line or flared, unlined jacket or robe, below hip or evening length, has tucks, dropped shoulders, VELCRO® front closures and long sleeves. Slightly flared, above ankle length nightgown has tucks. Slightly flared, loose-fitting, lower calf pants have left side opening, waist casing with elastic, ribbon tie ends and tucks. Hat has brim with tucks, crown, inside stand for added fullness, ribbon ties and rosettes. Jacket, robe and nightgown are very loose-fitting. All garments have purchased trims. NOTIONS: Jacket A: 41/8 yds. of 7/8" Flat Eyelet Double-edged Scalloped Beading, 5 yds. of 11/2" Pre-gathered Eyelet, 11/4 yds. of 1" Single-edged Flat Eyelet Beading, 5 yds. of 1/4" Ribbon, 7/8 yd. of 3/8" Ribbon, 35/8 yds. of 1/2" Single Fold Bias Tape and 1/8 yd. of 3/4" VELCRO®. Dress B: 61/4 yds. of 11/4" Pre-gathered Eyelet, 11/4 yds. of 7/8" Ribbon, 61/4 yds. of 1/2" Single Fold Bias Tape and 1/8 yd. of 3/4" VELCRO®. Nightgown C: 33/4 yds. of 11/2" Pre-gathered Eyelet, 2 yds. of 3" Pre-gathered Eyelet and 53/4 yds. of 1/2" Single Fold Bias Tape. Pants D: 11/4 yds. of 1" Elastic, 2 yds. of 1" Single-edged Flat Eyelet Beading, 2 yds. of 11/2" Pre-gathered Eyelet, 2 yds. of 1/4" Ribbon, 11/8 yds. of 7/8" Grosgrain Ribbon, 21/4 yds. of Extra Wide Double Fold Bias Tape and 1/8 yd. of 3/4" VELCRO®. Hat E: 13/8 yds. of 1" Pre-gathered Eyelet, 11/4 yds. of 11/2" Pre-gathered Eyelet, 13/8 yds. of 7/8" Ribbon, 3/8 yd. of Extra Wide Double Fold Bias Tape and 1/2" Seam Binding. FABRICS: Cotton, Cotton Blends, Batiste and Lawn. Unsuitable for obvious diagonals. Allow extra fabric to match plaids or stripes. Use nap yardages/layouts for pile, shaded or one-way design fabrics. *with nap. **without nap. Interfacing/Widths/Lengths on Instruction Sheet. Combinations: Y(XS-S-M), Z(L-XL) Head sizes: [XS(201/2"), S(211/2"), M(221/2"), L(231/2")]

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