Lambs & Ivy Disney Baby Forever Mickey Mouse 3-Piece Blue Crib Bedding Set
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Lambs & Ivy Disney Baby Forever Mickey Mouse 3-Piece Blue Crib Bedding Set

Product ID: 266216329
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Welcome to the magical world of Disney. The officially licensed iconic Mickey Mouse character is featured on this colorful three-piece baby bedding collection. The crib bedding collection includes one quilt (finished at 33” X 42”), one fitted crib sheet, and one crib skirt (dust ruffle). It is made of a soft microfiber material that is digitally printed in a high resolution which enhances the colors and is eco-friendly. Mickey Mouse is featured on the bottom right side of the quilt and has an appliqued face and ears with embroidered features. He stands proudly with his hands on his hips and loves wearing his favorite yellow shoes. He is also sitting on the top left-hand side of the quilt. He is approximately 14” tall and is sitting on a light gray grid pattern while resting his hands, with their white gloves, on his knees. He is wearing dark blue shorts. The bottom lower left of the quilt is printed with the word “Mickey” and is 12 ½” long. Next to that is the word MOUSE vertically printed in five colors. There is a dark blue 2-inch border around the quilt. The back of the quilt features Mickey heads, hand signals, and the word “Mickey” in script style. The fitted crib sheet mirrors the back of the quilt and has elastic all the way around for a safe and secure fit on a standard size crib mattress measuring 28” x 52”. The crib skirt has a 10” drop and is a pretty shade of blue with a coordinating blue 2” stripe. The word “Mickey” is in white script with a dark blue Mickey head embroidered and appliqued on the front right panel just above the dark blue stripe. The entire applique on the crib skirt is 8” wide by 3 ¾” tall.

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