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Orion SpaceProbe 130ST Equatorial Reflector Telescope for the Serious Adult Astronomy Beginner - Portable Telescope for Stargazing & Deep-sky Objects
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Orion SpaceProbe 130ST Equatorial Reflector Telescope for the Serious Adult Astronomy Beginner - Portable Telescope for Stargazing & Deep-sky Objects

Product ID: 1144601
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Our largest aperture SpaceProbe reflector telescope is the niftiest Newtonian reflector on an equatorial mount we've seen in a long time. The Orion SpaceProbe 130ST EQ Reflector Telescope is a quality telescope with a fast parabolic mirror for more serious beginning or intermediate stargazers who want additional performance, particularly for targeting deep-sky objects. This "Short Tube", version of the SpaceProbe 130 reflector features a 130mm (5.1") primary mirror and focal length of 650mm (f/5), yielding a wider field of view and brighter images for a given eyepiece. The 130mm primary is a diffraction-limited parabolic mirror, the same type used on much larger reflector telescopes costing many times as much. A parabolic mirror is a must for focusing incoming light to a point and delivering sharp, detailed images. The included 1.25" 25mm and 10mm Plossl eyepiece provide a 26x and 65x view of the night sky. Use the 25mm to start exploring, and the switch to the 10mm for a close-up view. To make your evening under the sky more enjoyable, we've included the DeepMap 600, the MoonMap 260, and a smartphone adapter to take pictures of solar system objects. The Orion SpaceProbe 130ST telescope sits on robust equatorial mount with slow-motion control knobs. After a simple polar-alignment procedure, the EQ mount allows you to track celestial objects in the sky, so you can observe them in detail. The adjustable-height tripod is strong yet lightweight and includes an accessory tray so you can keep your observing gear close by while using the reflector telescope. The SpaceProbe 130ST EQ weighs 28 lbs. once assembled. It's an easy telescope to take out to your favorite stargazing spot, whether in the backyard or in a more distant location away from streetlights and light pollution. If you're looking for a better-quality first telescope or a nicely portable telescope to complement your big Dobsonian, you'll love the Orion SpaceProbe 130ST EQ Reflector Telescope.

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Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

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Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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